Post Surgery Rehabilitation

Post Surgery Rehabilitation

Having an operation is half the battle won. Having the right post-operative care, makes the difference between being betterĀ or being at your best.


At PhysioPRO we deal with most of the top Orthopaedic and Neurosurgeons in Johannesburg. Our goal is to get you from recovering to fully restored, working with both your surgeon and other medical professionals during this process.


We see a variety of post-operative conditions such as:


Hip/Knee/Shoulder replacements


Knee ACL/Arthroscopy and meniscal surgery


Shoulder rotator cuff repairs/decompressions


Hip AMIS (Anterior Minimaly Invasive Surgery) labral repairs


Spinal fusions or disc replacements


Fractures bones


Achilles tendon repairs


Polytrauma following motor vehicle accidents (MVA)


And many more

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