
How can Physiotherapy help me?

Physiotherapy is the science of identifying and treating injuries related to muscles, nerves and bones/joints.

Your Physiotherapist will firstly do a thorough verbal and physical assessment to determine your problem, then design a specific treatment strategy to manage your condition.

You will usually be given important advice on lifetyle and wellness and some exercises to assist yourself in the healing process.

It is a science based medical profession, aimed at improving overall wellness, by addressing your physical impairments or injuries. Symptoms of which could include: pain, stiffness, swelling, weakness etc.

Physiotherapy not only treats your symptoms, but also identifies the CAUSE of your problem, therefore leading to long term relief.

Physiotherapy can trace its origins to as far back as 1813, and as such is the most researched and established form of neuro-muscular-skeletal therapy.

There was a need to rehabiltate injured soldiers after injuries sustained on the battlefields, and “physical exercises” were used to address many of these issues, thus “Physical Therapy” was born…

Your physiotherapist has a thorough understanding of how the body works, gained from years of academic study and practical experience.

After completing a four year Honours degree, in BSc. Physiotherapy and one year compulsory Community Service, the therapist then qualifies as being a Registered Physiotherapist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).

A qualified physiotherapist is therefore a trained medical practitioner and you do not need to be referred by a doctor to see a physiotherapist.

Appointment Related questions

After completing your medical forms, you will be seen by your Physiotherapist.

Your first visit will be approximately 60 minutes long. During this time you will be thoroughly assessed, diagnosed, eductaed on your condition/injury and treatment will commence. If a referral to other medical practitioners is necessary, one will be provided.

You will usually be given very specific advice and exercises to facilitate your healing.

As you might need to expose the area above and below the injured site, please dress appropriately.

-For lower limb and lower back injuries, please wear loose-fitting shorts.

-For upper limb and neck injuries, please wear a vest/strap-top.


Please bring any previous investigations that may have been performed (X-Rays, MRI, CT scans, EMG tests etc).

Bring any referral notes or other information given to you by another medical practitioner.

We charge Medical-Aid rates, and you should be re-imbursed in fullĀ by your medical aid.

First appointment- R720 (1 Hour)

Follow-up appointment- R500 (30min)

*Strapping, exercise bands and other medical devices are charged for seperately should you require it.*

No, although we charge Medical Aid rates, we are a CONTRACTED OUT practice.

This means you pay us at the end of your visit, we provide you with a paid statement, and you claim back from your own Medical Aid.

Most Medical Aids re-imburse their clients within 7-10 days.