Back and Neck Treatment

back and neck treatment


Statistics show that 80% of people will suffer from at least one episode of back and neck pain in their lives, and that back pain is second only to the common cold for absenteeism at work. So if you are reading this, chances are you either have, or have had, back and neck pain and need HELP…

One of the most common conditions treated in Physiotherapy is that of back and neck pain, and luckily for you, that’s what we’re good at!

We use a variety of well researched techniques such as The McKenzie Method (MDT), Mulligan Mobilisations, Dry needling and Spinal manipulation (to name a few) which help reduce your pain and improve your function.

Our back and neck pain treatments also always include educational advice on your condition, as well as exercise prescription, to improve your back and neck pain. We pride ourselves on not being “machine” physiotherapists, so you won’t be stuck on a machine for 45 minutes and left alone…

As first line practitioners, you don’t need to first go see your GP before coming to see us. Should you require x-rays, medication or a specialist surgeon, we will refer you accordingly.


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